Evergrown Cultivation


Meet Nick

I am the owner and operator of Evergrown Cultivation! I have been growing cannabis for almost a decade and have learned a few things along the way. When I was twelve years old I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a painful and debilitating condition caused by chronic inflammation in the digestive tract. I had been having severe stomach pain for months. The local doctors that we saw were unable to diagnose me, but eventually we got answers from UVA. The diagnosis was Crohn’s disease. There is no known cause for Crohn’s and for many with the condition it means living a life with lots of stomach pain, irritable bowels, and surgeries down the road for severe cases. I was prescribed many medicines that had side effects and didn’t cure the underlying issues. I continued to battle with stomach pain frequently and because of this I often felt nauseous and had a lack of appetite. This went on for years. I tried countless supplements, diets, and alternative treatments. I saw slight improvement from some of these, but I continued to struggle with my symptoms.

I had heard that cannabis could be helpful for people with pain, but I honestly dismissed it for a long time. Then one day a friend of mine suggested that I try some. I was having a severe Crohn’s flare that day which caused pain in the stomach that felt like hot burning coals. I decided to give the cannabis a try and within seconds, the pain was literally gone. Gone…. Years of medicines had never given the level of relief as this natural plant. I was amazed and mystified. It gave me hope that I could get better and soon after I started growing my very first plant. The disease was not cured instantly, but with years of consuming my homegrown cannabis along with diet therapy I am now 2 years in remission of Crohn’s. On my last colonoscopy report from my doctor it stated that I had “no signs of active Crohn’s disease” and I couldn’t believe it. To say that this inspired me would be an understatement. I know now from my own personal experience that cannabis changes lives. My goal with Evergrown Cultivation is to give everyone the confidence and ability to legally grow their own cannabis at home. It has changed my life and I’m certain that it can change many others.

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